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10 Benefits of Creative Team Building Events

There are so many benefits to exercising your creative muscles, especially the ones that haven’t been stretched or touched for years. The best part, it makes people feel uncomfortable, which means growth. We call that a win for team-building events. Check out ten facts and relevant connections on why creative paint and sip style events are effective for teams. It’s worth investing in, read on. 

1. Increase Team Cohesion and Improve Communication 

We know the value of having everyone in the same (virtual) room.  With videos on, it forces them to be present.  Believe it or not, painting is a great way to get to know others.  Whether it is skill or lack of – they bond and relate to one another.  The verbally communication and express themselves in ways, not in the typically workplace.   A creative space fosters ideation, openness, which can stimulate a new type of engagement amongst team members.

A study published by the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science (Source:

2. Boost Morale and  Improve Job Satisfaction

With the right teacher and class structure, we can provide a confidence boost to any participant, through a guided class experience.  For paint and sip style classes, we break down the silos of ‘what I should be’ and reinstate ‘I can do this’ – hey I have someone helping me.  It allows participants to boost morale, which leads to a shift on perspective of team appreciation and their employers investment in them.  Team building events like this that allow someone to be themselves show them their company cares and giving.

A survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management (Source:

3. Improve Problem Solving Skills and Increase Innovation

Over half participants in our creative classes haven’t painting in a very long time, that means they exercise “how do I do this again” type of skills.  Aka problem solving.  How do I hold the brush?  What brush do I use?  Can I paint a circle?  These are many questions that go through their head.  By reinstating problem solving skills this stimulates the brain during class, but it will care into personal and professional life.  The brain is being triggered to think differently which can lead to change and innovation.  It is pretty incredible!  All from a paint and sip class.

A study published in the Journal of Business and Technical Communication (Source:

4. Creative Team Building can Improve Team Productivity

You are probably thinking, how does individual painting relate to team productivity?  It is the process and reflection that brings a team together.  As individuals are painting, they recognize the team is in lock step – painting as a unit.  They talk about it, relate to their similarities and differences.  This is refreshing and energizing – also an unexpected benefit.  Team members leave our creative paint and sip classes feel more connected with their team mates, not by their painting skills, but through humility and growth.

A survey conducted by the Association for Talent Development (Source:

5. Companies that invest in team building are more likely to have higher employee retention ratesEmployees feel appreciated when their company recognizes they need a break.  One way a company invests in their employees is through fun team activities, like paint classes.  It allows team members to take off their work hat and let their hair down. 

Some team members like catching up on their favorite Netflix shows, kids and their favorite podcasts.  In creative team building exercises like our paint and sip classes, we have plenty of downtime for people to chat and enjoy the ‘retreat’.   This experience creates a happier and appreciate employee, leading to higher retention.

A study published in the Journal of Business and Technical Communication (Source:

6. Reduce conflict and improve conflict resolution skills 

Another benefit to creative team building events is that employees use and witness different skills.   Not only in their own behavior, but those in the class.  Team members are known to reduce conflict and improve resolution skills in a handful of ways.  Imagine if Dan has no idea how to paint a tree.  They said out loud “Oh goodness, how I am going to do this”.  Another team member may respond to ‘reduce conflict’ – you got this.   Dan responds – ” I guess with a little help I can do it” and he figures out in the moment, with a little confident and support – resolves the conflict.  This ocurance of conflict and resolution happens several times throughout class. Typically for each person.  That is a lot of growth they take with themselves.  They will unconsciously reflect back on this growth in the future!  Pretty cool.

A study published in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science (Source:

7. Improve team creativity and generate new ideas

This is likely one of the most obvious benefits.  In a creative paint class like ours, team members are challenged in class to experience with different lines, mixing colors and shapes.  We have examples we share in the guided components, but we also encourage people to do their own thing.  This is where creativity comes into play.  About 50% of people will venture and try something new.  The other 50% will consider it.  Either way, the opportunity to be in a creative space – risk free environment – does a lot for our personal and professional growth!

A study published in the Journal of Business and Technical Communication (Source:

8. Improve trust and cooperation within a team

This is one of our favorites.  How good or how bad are you at painting?   Does it matter?  We all are a bit critical of our skills – even if we are really good at painting.  Imagine a leader in the group isn’t a great painter, but they are owning the experience.  It is okay to not be the best.  It shows that we are human.  By allowing participants to let their guard down creates a space for people to get to know one another better.  That creates an environment to build trust.    Building these intangible skills, especially through a fun event is an incredible BONUS of a team building event.

A study published in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science (Source:

9. Paint and Sip Team building activities can improve team communication and decision-making skills

If you have ever been a part of a paint class, one thing to recall – participants talk – out loud – about how they are doing.  “Oh my goodness, what I am doing”, “wow, this actually isn’t that bad”.   This communication happens internally and majority externally in classes.  This type of team building class is a great way for teams to process the experience verbally.  Not only, do we hear a lot of their experience throughout the class on how well or not they are doing, but they internally process and make decisions throughout the class.  This leads to a change in their communication.  Maybe the will overcome the fear of speaking up or sharing their thoughts.  This environment provides a great space to voice their opinions, which carries on after the class.

A survey conducted by the Association for Talent Development (Source:

10. Companies that invest in team building are more likely to have higher financial performance

Our perspective on this one is a happier employee, the more dedicated they are to their team and the success of the company. 

A study published in the Journal of Business and Technical Communication (Source:

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We know what it is like trying to find the right event for your team.  Don’t hesitate us to contact us with your needs.